Sunday Connect Groups
Sunday Connect Groups
All of our Sunday connect groups meet at 10 AM inbetween our 9 AM and 11 AM service. If you would like to join a connect group click the button below.

Led by Bruce Quiggle in the Worship Center Room 404

Bible Seekers
Led by Mark Kent in the Worship Center Room 406. We love to study books of the Bible and dive deep to discover God’s will for our lives as we seek the truth found in His Word.

The Link
Led by Eric Reynolds and Anthony D’Arienzo Education Wing Room 502 – Our class welcomes adults of all ages seeking to dive deep into God’s Word and grow together through study and exploration of the Bible. We walk through individual books of the Bible, examine topical studies, and look at current issues facing Christ’s church–all through the lens of God’s Word. Don’t know all your Hebrew or Greek vocabulary yet? Neither do we, but we’re learning it together! We’d love to have you join us for this low pressure, loving, conversational fellowship on Sundays.

Loyal Ladies
Led by Lucy Tatum in the Worship Center Room 402

Service Seekers
Led by Jeff, Kevin, and David in Education Wing room 508